Dangerous animals in Javea

Spain’s Costa Blanca, particularly the enchanting coastal town of Javea, is a treasure trove of natural wonders. It’s home to diverse ecosystems that host an array of wildlife, including some animals that, while captivating, can pose potential risks to humans. Here, we will explore some of the dangerous animals in Javea, and how we can safely coexist with them.

Some identification help and advice about the poisonous beasties we may come across around Javea on the Costa Blanca North in Spain.

Also read: Dangerous spiders in Javea

1. Mediterranean Black Widow

The Mediterranean Black Widow (Latrodectus tredecimguttatus), is one of the more dangerous arachnids found in Javea. Although not aggressive, if provoked, its bite can cause serious symptoms such as pain, nausea, and muscle aches. However, it’s important to note that these spiders are generally reclusive, preferring to hide in dark, undisturbed places.

2. Viperine Water Snake

While not technically dangerous, the Viperine Water Snake (Natrix maura) can sometimes cause alarm due to its similar appearance to the venomous viper species. It is, however, completely harmless and non-venomous. Nonetheless, it serves as a reminder to treat all wildlife with respect and caution, particularly when we can’t immediately identify them.

3. Processionary Caterpillars

Though not an immediate danger to humans, Processionary Caterpillars, specifically those of the Pine Processionary Moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa), can pose a significant risk, particularly to curious pets. The hairs on these caterpillars can cause severe allergic reactions, leading to skin irritations or, if ingested, more serious problems.

Safe Encounters

When encountering potentially dangerous animals in Javea, the rule of thumb is to respect their space and avoid any interaction. Teach children the importance of not touching or disturbing wildlife, and ensure pets are supervised when outdoors.

If you or someone else is bitten or stung, it’s crucial to seek medical attention immediately. Take a picture of the creature if it’s safe to do so, as this can assist medical professionals in identifying the species and administering the correct treatment.

Conservation Efforts

Despite the potential danger they pose, it’s crucial to remember that these animals play important roles in the ecosystem. Conservation efforts, including habitat preservation and public education, are critical for their survival. In Javea, various initiatives aim to protect natural habitats and promote responsible tourism, ensuring the protection of all wildlife.


Javea’s wildlife, even its dangerous inhabitants, contribute to the region’s rich biodiversity. By understanding and respecting these creatures, we can safely appreciate the natural beauty around us. Remember, when we venture into nature, we’re stepping into their home. It’s up to us to ensure that we do so responsibly, with an appreciation for all inhabitants, dangerous or not.