Coca de tomate is a traditional Spanish dish

Coca de tomate is a traditional Spanish dish that is typically found in the Valencia and Catalonia region. It is a type of pizza or flatbread that is made with a tomato and olive oil base, and it can be topped with various ingredients such as vegetables, meats, or seafood. The dish is typically served as a tapa or appetizer and it’s enjoyed throughout the year.

The origins of coca de tomate can be traced back to the medieval period, when it was a common dish among the working-class population. The dish was originally made with simple ingredients such as flour, water, and tomato, which were readily available and affordable. Over time, the dish has evolved and evolved to include a variety of toppings, depending on the region and seasonality of the ingredients.

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How is Coca de tomate made?

The dough for coca de tomate is made with flour, yeast, water, and salt. The dough is then allowed to rise before being rolled out and topped with a mixture of tomato, garlic, and olive oil. The toppings can vary depending on personal preferences and regional variations, but they typically include vegetables such as bell peppers, onions, and mushrooms, meats such as bacon, chicken, or sausage, and seafood such as shrimp or anchovies.

One of the key ingredients in coca de tomate is tomato, which is a staple ingredient in Spanish cuisine. Tomatoes are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They also add a rich, sweet, and acidic flavor to the dish.

Coca de tomate is typically served as a tapa or appetizer, it’s enjoyed throughout the year. It can be found in many bars, restaurants and taverns in the Valencia and Catalonia region. It is also a popular dish to make at home, you can find many recipes and tutorials online.

Recipe Coca de tomate

Coca de tomate is a traditional Spanish dish that is typically found in the Valencia and Catalonia region. It is a type of pizza or flatbread that is made with a tomato and olive oil base, and it can be topped with various ingredients such as vegetables, meats, or seafood. Here is a recipe for making Coca de tomate at home.

Ingredients Coca de tomate

  • 2 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon of yeast
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 3/4 cup of warm water
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1/4 cup of olive oil
  • 1/4 cup of tomato puree
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Toppings of your choice (vegetables, meats, seafood)

Instructions how to make Coca de tomate

  1. In a large bowl, mix together the flour, yeast, and salt. Slowly add the warm water and mix until the dough comes together.
  2. Knead the dough for 5-7 minutes, or until it becomes smooth and elastic.
  3. Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rise for 1 hour.
  4. Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C).
  5. In a separate pan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the garlic and sauté for 1-2 minutes or until fragrant.
  6. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the tomato puree. Season with salt and pepper, to taste.
  7. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface to the desired thickness.
  8. Place the dough on a baking sheet and spread the tomato mixture over it, leaving a small border

In conclusion, Coca de tomate is a traditional Spanish dish that is typically found in the Valencia and Catalonia region. It is a type of pizza or flatbread that is made with a tomato and olive oil base, and it can be topped with various ingredients such as vegetables, meats, or seafood.

The dish is typically served as a tapa or appetizer and it’s enjoyed throughout the year. The origins of coca de tomate can be traced back to the medieval period, when it was a common dish among the working-class population. It has evolved to include a variety of toppings, depending on the region and seasonality of the ingredients.